The Easy Boss E oral distraction device can be purchased from the following locations:
Online Sales:
Please visit our online store at:
Canada and US Sales:
Koehn Marketing Inc, Watertown, South Dakota
ph. 1 800 658-3998 online: Easy Boss E on Koehn Marketing Inc
Ukal Canada, St-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ph. 1-800-665-8389 Easy Boss E tools on Ukal
United Kingdom:
Pruex LTD, Wales:
1.1 Easy Boss E – Low stress cattle handling Device
W David Morrison, Ireland:
WD Morrison Ag, Phone: 44 780 229 6404. Facebook
Stevie and Sarah Rolfe’s SR Cattle Service:s, Scotland:
Scandinavian, Russian, European Markets
Dr. Peter Zieger, Hamburg, Germany:
New Zealand
Animal Health Direct Ltd: 1229 Maraekakaho Road, Hastings, New Zealand Phone +64 6 873 3611 Emai:
Youtube Channel:
Here are some videos on Easy Bosse E YouTube
Easy Bosse E on Facebook:
Yes we’re on facebook too: Easy Boss E
Minnedosa Veterinary Clinic Links:
Website: Minnedosa Veterinary Clinic and their facebook page: Minnedosa Veterinary Clinic This Manitoba Veterinary Clinic is our main field study location. Thanks for sharing your expertise and experiences with the Easy Boss E device!