Präsentation @ Leipziger Tierärztekongress

Easy Boss E at Leipziger Tierärztekongress

18th to 20th, January 2024  ( English link: )


Dr. Stefan Mösenfechtel, Mastholte:
Powerimmun- Kälber antibiotikafrei aufziehen

Dr. Peter Zieger, Quidee GmbH:
Rinder stressfrei fixieren und sicher handeln – der neue Easybosse!

Veranstaltungsort  (Location/Venue) CCL – Raum 13

Antibiotika- und stressfrei in die Zukunft! Pfiffige Praxislösungen kurz vorgestellt.
Symposium der Firma Quidee GmbH
  • 19.01.2024 | 10:00 – 11:00
  • CCL – Raum 13
     Description on Facebook (English):  Exciting news from Germany where Dr. Peter Zieger, of QuIdee GmbH will do a presentation on the 19th January at the The Leipzig Veterinary Congress (running January 18th – 20th 2024)
The Leipzig Veterinary Congress is the largest training event for veterinarians in German-speaking countries and one of the leading specialist platforms in Europe. The focus is on animal species-specific and interdisciplinary topics and it’s very pleasing to see Dr Zieger’s symposium is about stress-free cattle handling and safety using Easy Boss E.


2022 World Buiatrics Congress, Madrid

Easybosse will be participating at World Buiatrics Congress Madrid 2022.  This event happens September 4 to September 8, 2022.

From their website:

“Madrid will welcome approximately 2,000 delegates; including veterinary practitioners working with dairy and beef cattle and other ruminants, scientists from universities and research institutes, consultants for production medicine, professionals from related companies and associations, students of veterinary or animal science schools, and so on.”

For more details please visit this link:


Cow Calf Acceptance and Easy Boss E

Since the domestication of cattle there has exisited the problem with Dams accepting new calves, or orphan calves to a new Mother, or a substitute calf to a Mother who had lost her own soon after birth.
Many hours of restraining an aggressive Cow kicking at the hungry calf, many hours of trying to disguise the scent of an orphan calf desperate to suckle….these situations have tested Animal Husbandry over the many centuries humankind has cared for cattle.
However the answer is here, the simple solution to the decades old question has finally been answered in the form of Easy Boss E!
Easy Boss E is a tubular stainless steel oral device that uses the cow’s natural desire to chew, and this in turn distracts the animal so the calf can feed without the dramas.
Please read the testimonials and watch our video. With historic footage of Dr Don Finlay trialing the EBE with a very angry Cow in Australia, and more modern times with Mr. David Morrison of Northern Ireland having a substitute calf have a top up feed from a heavily producing cow, all using the Easy Boss E method.
Easy boss E changing the way people manage cattle with the innovative technique of DISTRACTION CATTLE HANDLING.

Blood Ketone and Glucose Testing

     Dr Don is showing you the importance of ketone screening in high production cows. Dairy farmers are using PORTACHECK as a part of good Dairy Management and herd health.
   The BHBCheck Plus blood ketone test strips are thin strips contain a chemical reagent system for use with the BHBCheck Plus Meter to measure the beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) ketone concentration in bovine whole blood. Fresh venous blood is applied to the end tip of the test strip, then automatically absorbed into the reaction cell where the reaction takes place. A transient electrical current is formed during the reaction and the blood BHB concentration is calculated based on the electrical current detected by the meter.
    The BHBA meter display provides plasma equivalent results in millimoles BHB per litre of blood (mmol/L).