Corman Park Vet Services, Saskatoon

I bought one at the SVMA conference in September and my boss was hesitant about it until he was preg-checking and the client wanted to age his cows.  He pulled out the easy boss e and found it as slick as could be for that, so now he’s sold on them.  He ended up leaving that one with the client so now we’re wanting to get one for all our vets and potentially to sell on occasion.

Dorrie from Corman Park Vet Services, Saskatoon, SK

Graeme Carthy, owner of Italian Riverina Buffalo, Western Australia

A skeptic by nature I could not believe how well this thing really works and still don’t . 85% of the young bulls that were castrated stood calm using the mouth wand the other 15% were still aggravated but I did not remove the mouth wand to find out how much worse they would be We also cut extended hoofs from a cow with an angle grinder in the crush with no other restraints only the mouth wand the cow stood totally at ease. All most unbelievable I could not recommend it high enough.

-Graeme Carthy. Quindanning Buffalo

Präsentation @ Leipziger Tierärztekongress

Easy Boss E at Leipziger Tierärztekongress

18th to 20th, January 2024  ( English link: )


Dr. Stefan Mösenfechtel, Mastholte:
Powerimmun- Kälber antibiotikafrei aufziehen

Dr. Peter Zieger, Quidee GmbH:
Rinder stressfrei fixieren und sicher handeln – der neue Easybosse!

Veranstaltungsort  (Location/Venue) CCL – Raum 13

Antibiotika- und stressfrei in die Zukunft! Pfiffige Praxislösungen kurz vorgestellt.
Symposium der Firma Quidee GmbH
  • 19.01.2024 | 10:00 – 11:00
  • CCL – Raum 13
     Description on Facebook (English):  Exciting news from Germany where Dr. Peter Zieger, of QuIdee GmbH will do a presentation on the 19th January at the The Leipzig Veterinary Congress (running January 18th – 20th 2024)
The Leipzig Veterinary Congress is the largest training event for veterinarians in German-speaking countries and one of the leading specialist platforms in Europe. The focus is on animal species-specific and interdisciplinary topics and it’s very pleasing to see Dr Zieger’s symposium is about stress-free cattle handling and safety using Easy Boss E.


2022 World Buiatrics Congress, Madrid

Easybosse will be participating at World Buiatrics Congress Madrid 2022.  This event happens September 4 to September 8, 2022.

From their website:

“Madrid will welcome approximately 2,000 delegates; including veterinary practitioners working with dairy and beef cattle and other ruminants, scientists from universities and research institutes, consultants for production medicine, professionals from related companies and associations, students of veterinary or animal science schools, and so on.”

For more details please visit this link: